
Jun 29, 2011

{What I love Wednesday}

Man I am slacking! I know it's been two weeks since my last post but I promise I have a fun one coming soon.....if only Mod Podge would dry faster!!

This is my 1st {What I love Wednesday}
I have a teal theme going on
With a few other randos thrown in the mix

After a long day of training & putting out fires at work I am loving my Moscato wine.....mmmm! Yes I know it's super sweet but I have a big sweet tooth, I love it!
I am loving this Mod Podge Dimensional Magic! It's my first time to use it and it is one nifty glue! (You'll see what I'm talking about in my next post!)
I am loving this teal & gold combo for summer.....I might be biased though, I used these vases in my wedding :)
I've always been a sucker for yummy smelling candles, especially ones that remind me of Fall & freshly baked goodies!
Loving these Martha Stewart Luster Glass Microbeads! They are such fun to craft with.....they can be messy though, you have been warned!

And last but not least, loving these little metal flower accents! You'll see these cuties in my next blog too!

What are you loving this Wednesday?

Until next time.....

Linking Up Here:

Jun 14, 2011

Tuesday Treats - Cheese!

I absolutely LOVE CHEESE! Some would call me a cheese-a-holic...I am on the verge of addiction and would eat it everyday if I could!! Yummmm! I follow this blog called Centsational Girl and she is amazing! Today her post was on Cheese Course Essentials and I just had to share because I loved the post so much!

Kate is a bargain hunter, design lover, and an incurable DIYer. She's a mother to three and lives in Northern California’s Wine Country. (hello dream come true!) This pretty lady has over 8,000 follower so you know she rocks!

Without further adieu I give you Cheese Course Essentials

 Hey kids, I’m on a bit of a food kick lately, so if you’ll indulge me, today I feel like talking about cheese yet again.  In fact I made up a cheer just for the occasion.  “Cheese is good, cheese is great, cheese be the one you’re glad you ate!”   Pay no attention to those grammatical errors, and please just focus on the message. 

I’ll be back to painting something soon I assure you, but today I need to talk about one of the most important things in my life and that is cheese.  Not just any cheese, or your ordinary mass produced American chunks of cheddar, no I’m talking about the cheeses that come from the artisans.  Gather round friends, because I’m about to share with you the secrets to serving a perfect cheese course. 
perfect cheese plate cg

A cheese course is a great way to start a party, but whether you serve a cheese course before or after a meal is up to you.  It’s an American custom to serve before, and European tradition to serve after the main course. 

To make your cheese course a memorable one, follow these simple tips! 

Choosing the Cheeses.  Create a balanced presentation by choosing a range of cheeses in a variety of flavors, textures, and milk sources (cow, goat and sheep).  Artisan cheeses come in wedges, logs, or rounds, and you’ll find variety in shapes at your local market or specialty store. 

Choose something mild like a jack or cheddar, something in the middle, like a rind cheese (Brie or Camembert) or a goat variety, and something more pungent or intense in flavor like blue cheese (including Roquefort, Stilton, or Gorgonzola). 
variety of cheeses cg

Don’t serve too many.  A palate is overwhelmed with more than four, so choosing three to four cheeses is ideal, plus it will give the taster a variety of choices for comparison and appreciation. 
Always serve your cheeses at room temperature, and be sure to remove them from the refrigerator an hour before serving.

Displaying the Cheeses.  It’s helpful to label your cheeses so guests know what they’re nibbling, and it also keeps them from asking “What was this cheese again?”  I use my trusty slate cheese board, and chalkboard markers for labeling.  However, if you don’t have a board or cheese markers, simply place the cheese’s label on your serving plate next to the cheese.  That is the easiest way for both you and guests to remember, and also make a note for future purchase if it becomes a favorite.   
label cheeses cg

If serving outdoors over a period of time, it’s a good idea to have a dome to protect your cheese from insects or the elements.  I just use my cake plate dome or a cloche. 
dome over cheese

Good Company Required!  Cheeses pair perfectly with fresh or dried fruits, many desserts, and of course wine.  I think it’s so important to balance the soft and savory texture of cheese with ripe fruit.  Pears and grapes always work, or you can choose something in season like peaches or apricots.
fruit display wood platter cg

Bread, nuts and olives are also a natural accompaniment.  When presenting them, keep it simple!  Plain white plates or rustic platters are all you need, just a basket or bowl for your crackers, and a spot for your salty extras.  Use whatever you’ve got in your collection, and simply group them together.  Let the food shine, no need for extravagance.   
olives nuts cheeses cg
The best way for guests to sample the cheeses is on a fresh sliced baguette, however I also like to supply simple water crackers for those who want to taste and don’t want to fill up on bread too quickly.   
Dress Them Up.  Don’t be afraid to get creative and add a little something extra to complement or enhance your cheeses, like fresh herbs, honey or chutney on top. 
dressed up cheeses

When you combine the sweetness of fruit with the saltiness from olives and nuts, you’ll appreciate the savory goodness of different artisan cheeses even more. 
cheese table essentials cg
Other suggested accompaniments:
Fruit:  apples, pears, figs, apricots, cherries, berries, grapes, sweet mandarin oranges, ripe or sundried tomatoes and fruit chutneys.  Dried fruits work as well as fresh.   
Nuts:  salted or blanched almonds, walnuts, pecans, pistachios. 
Meats: prosciutto or salami
Desserts:  fruit tarts or galettes are fantastic when served with a good cheese, which makes the case for serving your cheese course with or as dessert. 
Wine:  There are many opinions on what kind of wine to serve with cheeses.  We’ve served just about all of them from sparkling to white to red with an assortment of cheeses.  Fresher or softer cheeses typically go well with whites like Sauvignon Blanc or Reisling, rind cheeses pair nicely with medium bodied Syrah, Pinot or Chardonnay, and aged or pungent cheeses favor denser reds like Cabernet, or even dessert wines.  If you’re featuring a complex cheese, choose a simpler wine, and vice versa. 
cheese courses cg

Don’t worry about always choosing the perfect cheese every time since making your selections is part of the food experience.  Experiment with new textures, flavors and varieties!  In the end, when you gather together a balanced medley of cheeses, fruits, and nuts, you’re bound to satisfy both your palate and your guests as well.

Jun 12, 2011

Weddings Galore!

Hello my long lost friends! 11 days since my last blog post?! What was I thinking! Oh, yeah life took over......sorry to keep you all waiting! 

Today is my Husband and I's one year wedding anniversary! We have had an amazing first year and are extremely blessed by all the Lord has provided us. It's amazing how fast a year passes by isn't it? 

Justin just started his new job back in February as the evening gown Assistant Buyer { Fancy Shmancy! } hehe...and this time of the year is his office's big Conclave. A time where all of the vendors and store Department Managers come together to see the upcoming trends! A very fun weekend filled with fashion shows, beautiful clothes and amazing food! Sadly, this fell on our anniversary *boo hoo* BUT we will be celebrating this coming weekend so we are very excited about that! 

So, while Justin is consumed with fashion shows and hobnobbing with all of the top notch vendors, { slightly jealous } I spent this weekend visiting my parents and working on crystal trees for my sisters wedding in October!!

These things take a lot more time than you would think! I got three done this weekend......only 4 more to go! Whatcha think??
I just LOVE weddings!!

Until next time my fellow bloggers and blogettes!

Jun 1, 2011

{Peppermint Pretties}

Okay, I'll admit it, I'm starting to become a cupcake-aholic!! Good thing I have co-workers to share them with or I'd be the size of a house! These are some of my FAVORITE cupcakes! { Chocolate Fudge Peppermint } Yum, yum!

1 Box of Chocolate Fudge cake mix
1/2 tbsp pure peppermint extract
eggs (as directed by the box)
water (as directed by the box)
vegetable oil (as directed by the box)
Mix as directed by the box adding in 1/2 tbsp of the pure peppermint extract

2 tubs of regular white icing
1/2 tsp pure peppermint extract per tub of icing
Sweet Stripes peppermints (I like these because they are soft)
While you are waiting for your cupcakes to bake, crush up your peppermints. I just used 1 peppermint per cupcake. 

Tip: crush up the peppermints with something hard like a metal ladle while they are still in the bag, much less messy! Sprinkle each cupcake with your peppermint bits

Voila! Your { Chocolate Fudge Peppermint Cupcakes } Super easy and super yummy!