Mar 16, 2013

Painting a Gender Neutral Nursery

I am beyond excited to share this post with you today, but before you get too excited…I’m not pregnant. Not to say that I won’t be soon! *wink!* But, this is a staged post that I have been working on for the past two weekends for The Home Depot and Procter & Gamble, who recently contacted me requesting that I do a post on a home painting project. Exciting, right?! I thought so! I, of course, jumped at the opportunity because I love painting, but thought for a while about what I wanted to do. I didn't have any painting projects on the back burner, and all the rooms in my house have been recently painted, so what the heck was I supposed to do?! Then, eureka! I stumbled across this painting on Pinterest and absolutely loved it. I wanted to do something similar on a wall, but for what? And then it hit me, unisex nursery! I knew that I would eventually have to paint this room for our future baby, so this was the perfect opportunity. Not to mention, it saves me the hassle of having to hire painters when I'm pregnant, since you shouldn't be around all of those fumes, and I would get the satisfaction of knowing I did it myself! The only problem is, as I’m sure you’re thinking, I’m not pregnant, nor can I predict the future to know what the gender of our first child will be. Problem? Nope! I decided to go with a gender neutral color palette, including hues of greens, blues, peaches, and yellows. When we do find out the gender of our first born I can always add pink accents for a girl or emphasize the blues and greens if its a boy. It's win win either way! When decorating any nursery, especially unisex, I find that choosing a color palette first is the best way to start your design process. Choosing colors that don’t exclusively identify with either gender like yellows, whites, oranges, greens, browns, grays, etc. is the best way to go. Sorry pink and purple! 

Something I learned while narrowing down my color options is that you shouldn't use red as one of your focal colors in the nursery. Sounds weird, right? Well, apparently red is the first color most babies recognize and this can either create excitement or confusion for your little one if it is the only color they can identify. It could even interfere with sleeping! Don’t quote me on that, but I sure wouldn't want to take that chance if I was a new mother getting only a few hours of sleep at a time!

After selecting a color palette, you can begin to build on your theme. Go for themes that are again gender neutral such as animals, beach or sea creatures, shapes and colors, bumble bees, Disney, or vintage shabby chic to name a few. Your options are limitless! If you can’t decide on a theme, but you have your colors selected, try painting first and then decide. Inspiration may come to you once you see the colors on the wall!

While there are hundreds of blogs filled with tips and tricks for DIY painting projects, most of us seem to overlook the importance of two key steps: prep and cleanup. It makes your project a heck of a lot easier with proper painting prep and cleanup, trust me. Procter & Gamble and The Home Depot are teaming up to offer some great products and tips to make each stage of your project go a little more smoothly. Here are some great tips they've come up with:

  • Before painting, make sure to remove dust from walls. A Swiffer® Sweeper with a dry sweeping cloth works really well – it attracts dirt and dust from virtually any surface, including walls. The head swivels a full 360 degrees, making it easy to move around corners and the pole allows for easy floor to ceiling reach. Don’t forget the baseboards, windows and doorways, too.
  • Mask the room with painter’s tape. Paint the areas that are likely to get dripped on last. Paint the ceiling first, walls second, and trim last.

The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser will be your best friend in the prep and cleanup process, too! I used it to clean scuff marks on the wall and baseboards before and after painting. And great news, P&G and The Home Depot want to offer you these amazing products to help you with your next project! Be sure to enter at the bottom of this post for your chance to win the DIY Painting #ReadyDoneClean Prize Pack including a Swiffer Sweeper, Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Original, and a $50 Home Depot gift card! For more tips on how to paint like a pro visit The Home Depot website and read more!

Materials needed for this project include:
- flat acrylic paint
- paint trays
- acrylic paintbrushes
- drop cloth
- stencil
- paint roller
- painter's tape

After cleaning the wall with my Swiffer® Sweeper, with the help of my fabulous co-painter, Katherine, we started the accent wall by painting streaks of  blue, Valspar - Fresh Mist, letting that dry and then moving on to my next color, Valspar - Peach Frenzy, then Valspar - Lush Meadow, and finishing with my Valspar - Toasted Oat. I would allow each color to dry before moving on to the next and layering them as I went. You will see the wall build below as I added each color. Continue adding colors until you are satisfied. I purchased 1 quart of each color and had quite a bit left of each. I did use all of my White and needed to purchase more.
After your wall has completely dried, you can begin stenciling. My favorite stencils to use are those from Cutting Edge Stencils. This one in particular is the Ikat Zig-Zag Stencil, love it! If you've never stenciled before, I would highly suggest checking out their website and watching their how-to'll be stenciling up a storm in no time!

This is definitely the most time consuming portion of this painting project. Be patient and take your time when lining up the stencil or you could run into some major problems! Allow the each section to dry a few minutes before applying additional coats and before moving on to a new section.

Once you have finished stenciling, remove any painter's tape and use your Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to clean up any stray scuff marks and paint. To put the final touches on my wall I went back with a thin paintbrush and touched up any section where the white paint ran together. 

I had so much fun designing and working on this project! I only wish that I could keep decorating the nursery, but that will have to wait. This is a wonderful project for anyone who is eager to get started on their nursery and does not know or wants to be surprised by the gender of their baby! Don't forget to enter the giveaway below!

Enter for your chance to win the #ReadyDoneClean prize pack (shown below)! The prize pack includes a Swiffer Sweeper, Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and a $50 Home Depot gift card! Must be 18 and over to win. Contest ends March 30th. Winner will be contacted by email and has 48 hours to respond before a new winner is selected. Good luck!

This is a paid post brought to you by Procter & Gamble and The Home Depot. Procter & Gamble provided and paid for my materials and the prize pack used in the Giveaway.
All opinions are my own.


  1. aw you are so awesome. I have been looking forward to this!! IG was a teaser. lol
    LOVE IT!!

    1. lol thanks, Ashley! Good, I was hoping it would generate some interest on IG!

  2. this is so amazing! i love how it turned out! and it seems so simple! like you can't mess it up! love it!! thanks for the giveaway!!

    1. Thank you!! It is so simple, just takes patience :)

  3. This turned out amazing! Thank you for using Cutting Edge Stencils! -Michelle

    1. Thanks, Michelle! I absolutely love my stencil! Thank you for the donation!

  4. Beautiful!!!! Wishing u happy baby vibes for the future! :)

    (Wish I could enter the giveaway but I don't have fb)

    1. I have removed the FB mandatory entry :) You can enter now!

  5. I can't believe you painted that! I knew for sure that it was wall paper! Amazing!

    1. Yes, ma'am! lol you're the second to think it was wall paper...I guess that means I did a good job! :D

  6. Audra you are amazing girl! That wall is so beautiful!!!

    1. Thank you!! I'm pretty in love with it, too :)

  7. The room looks great! Thank you for the giveaway!

  8. Visiting you from Our Pinteresting Family! Awesome job on the wall... it's gorgeous! :)

    1. Thank you!! Glad you stopped by :)

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you, Jessica! I'm pretty in love with it myself!

  10. WHOA!! This is CRAZY awesome! I'm dying. SO SO SO in love with it. Thanks so much for linking it up to Monday Funday!

    Kelly @ view along the way

    1. Thanks, Kelly! I'm glad you like it! :)

  11. Hi Taunnie!

    I am just amazed at this project. When I saw the top photo I couldn't imagine how all those different colors were done -- my mind boggled at the thought of all those colors in each "stripe" being hand-painted or stenciled! Well, guess you can tell I'm not much of a d-i-yer, I had no clue how you did what you did. What a revelation! It's a beautiful wall treatment and a lovely room. I wish you blessings for your "wink wink", and so smart to get a head-start :)

    1. Hehe, not sure who Taunnie is, but thank you!! :)

  12. That is amazing! How stopping!

  13. Newest follower here! I found your blog through the blog hop, you have a wonderful blog :) You can find me at


    1. Thanks for following along! Happy to have you here!

  14. I love your wall! It is gorgeous! I would love for you to share on my weekly linky party Blog Stalking Thursday. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks! I will link up on Thursday :)

  15. This wall is gorgeous! Definitely pinning for future inspiration.

  16. Audra, I LOVE it! It is so pretty and I would have never thought of doing something like that to my kids walls! Great job and congrats on the Project for Home Depot! That is so cool!! Julia @

    1. Thanks, Julia! I was a nice surprise to be asked to do a project for them!

  17. This is probably the coolest nursery I've seen!
    Jillian -

    1. Why thank you! That is a very sweet complement, especially since I've only done a wall lol.

  18. I love, love, love this! It's such a unique color palate for a baby. I just finished stenciling my baby's room and said I would not stencil again, but this is inspiration. I'm thinking master bedroom with different colors.

    1. Thank you!! Yes, I totally agree this stencil would look amazing in a master bedroom with some deep rich colors, maybe a plum or gray. Or even some very pale muted color, just depends on the look you're going for, dramatic or calming. :) There definitely needs to be a break between stenciling projects, it requires a lot of patience!

  19. Oh my gosh! That has got to be the coolest wall ever!! You are a creative genius!! This has my mind spinning with ideas! LOOOVE!!

  20. Yep... pretty darn amazing!! Thanks so much for sharing at Monday Funday this week!

    Take care,


  21. I can imagine that this was hard work...but it looks amazing!!! Great job!!!

    1. Lots and lots of patience is key :)

  22. Great job Audra. What a cool idea to paint the wall like that before the stencil. It looks fantastic.

    1. It's amazing what will just come to you while looking through Pinterest :)

  23. Oh my gosh...this is the best idea I've seen in forever! I'd love for you to link up to my party - it opens on Saturday mornings! XO, Aimee

    1. Thanks, Aimee! I will try to remember to stop by :)

  24. Wow, wow, wow! So fresh and different! And you did an AH-mazing job!

    Well done, Audra!

    1. Thanks, Abbie! I was definitely going for fresh and unique, mission accomplished! :)

  25. I LOVE your nursery!!! Or the can claim it bc you created the beauty!! PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME!!! BTW I am super excited to have the shoot featured!!!

    1. Thanks, Jacklyn! :) Yes, I'm super excited the shoot got pick up too!

  26. I can't do anything around the house w/o Mr. Clean Magic Erasers! Your paint job is FANTASTIC! Love it so much, thanks for sharing. Jessica D.

    1. They're truly magic, aren't they? Thank you! :)

  27. Wow u must be tired hearing this. but this is sooo AWESOME

    1. Hehe, no not tired at all! Thank you :)

  28. Brilliant! This takes stenciling to a whole new level!

    1. Thanks, Nicole! Exactly what I was hoping for :)

  29. I really LOOOOOOOVVVVVEEE this wall!!

  30. Oh my word!!! This is so incredible! I've been wanting to make some artwork similar to the link you mentioned, but I love your wall even better! So awesome!

  31. I love the wall. It looks like a ton of hard work really paid off! Way to go!

  32. I have to try stenciling!

  33. I love it I was surprised how the painting worked out. I didn't think of painting the stripes and then adding the stenciling.

  34. LOVE THIS!!! Wow... lots of love put into this wall!

  35. You did amazing! I would love to do this for my son.

  36. Oh. My. Goodness. This is simply stunning. Thank you for sharing the tutorial!

  37. wow, that is an amazing paint treatment/look. i love the colors you chose!

  38. This is great! I would've never thought of the layered paint treatment, but now I'm sure I won't be able to get it off my mind until I can use it somewhere! Great job!

  39. This is incredible!! Pinning!
    - Lora

  40. Oh my gosh, that is the coolest looking wall ever. I bet it took forever.

  41. This is gorgeous! I would love for you to link it, and any of your other projects, to the Pinworthy Projects link party!

  42. So gorgeous!Love the colors and the stencil!

  43. wow, that looks great! I couldn't figure out how you'd done it until I read the post. great colors, and I love the wood tones in the crib against it, too!

  44. Hi Audra ...
    Your project is amazing! I thought for sure that it was wallpaper. Great job :)
    Hugs & Blessings ...
    Simply Fresh Vintage

  45. Featuring YOU today! Thank you for linking up to {wow me} wednesday!

    Ginger @

  46. Wow! This is so cool. Great idea. I think it would look good in my sewing room, I love color. Thanks for posting it.

  47. Hi Audra,
    What a beautiful job. I love the idea of painting all the colors and then stenciling white and I love the colors your chose. Thanks so much for sharing at Transformed Tuesday.

    Peggy~PJH Designs

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I pained over the stencil. Pained all of the colored stripes first then put the stencil in the wall and painted over it to create the chevron white stripes.

  49. This is soooo awesome! I love it!

  50. I'm so grateful to have stumbled upon this. I'm absolutely IN LOVE with it and am so excited to introduce this to my soon to be baby girls room. I couldn't think of anything more perfect!
    GORGEOUS. I can't thank you enough for posting this. I appreciate it!

  51. You are brilliant...Years ago I also pinned your inspiration pin...but you just took it to a whole new level. I love it. I have a quick question...what color did already have on your wall...I looks like a grey but it is perfect compliment to the colorful walls. I know you painted this awhile back ago but I was hoping you could still recall the color. Thank You!

  52. Gray and Yellow Gray has long been considered a favorite neutral, and works well in a nursery when paired with a bright color such as yellow.
    Reference: how to add value to your home on a budget

  53. AnonymousJuly 27, 2021

    I was a HIV-AIDS patient and I got it from cheating on my wife. It was sort of a payback but a week later I was told by a friend that the person who I cheated with had the HIV-AIDS virus and did not tell me. I was so stupid by not using a condom I thought since he was an old school friend he was trustworthy. But I was wrong. I cried and cried. Two days later, I got a phone call from my friend and he told me about a person who is known by another friend, who can help me. I could not let my wife know what I was going through. I finally got his email address: and I emailed this man my story and he replied me immediately saying i should be calm and told me that everything will be OK. I could not come to terms with what I was hearing but then I concluded it did not matter because I was so broken I just needed help. I was going out of my mind literally. I was confused with what he was telling me, but I listened. He told me about some materials i need to buy that he needed to cast the spell and I said OK. I bought the materials to him, I sent down my picture to him and my positive result sheet and he replied me that i am going to be negative under 3days. I message Him every 2hours for 2day and I knew he thought that I was crazy but I did care I needed a shoulder. Behold, the third day he messaged me i should go for a test that i will be negative. My marriage could be broken because of a stupid mistake and my life was on the line. I remembered when I was going to get the results of my re-test I called him up again and told him that I was going to get my results today and his reply was “so" and that everything will be as he explained. I knew then that he was getting tired of me calling him, maybe I was wrong. Well I got my results and the first person I called was him - again. As he said hello I started to cry and cry. I could not believe it. I was given a second chance in life.This man is a great spiritual HIV/AIDS healer, his healing spell on aids healing is very powerful .please brothers and sister, contact Dr Ose
    whatsapp +2348136482342

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