Feb 18, 2012

Shabby Apple Giveaway!

Who's ready for another giveaway?! Enter to win a fabulous dress from Shabby Apple! Today I will be giving away the Spanish Steps dress from Shabby Apple, an online boutique that sells women's dresses, skirts, accessories and so much more! After entering the contest be sure to stop by their website and see all of the great things they have for sale!

Click on the image below to shop Shabby Apple's site!
Dresses from Shabby Apple

Today's Giveaway!
Love this dress! 
Today's prize is valued at $86.00 and comes in sizes XS - XL

Ready to enter and win? Just follow the easy steps below! There are three mandatory entries to be eligible to win. You must follow The Kurtz Corner via GFC, you must "Like" Shabby Apple on FB and you must "Like" The Kurtz Corner on FB

You may also tweet/facebook about this giveaway daily for additional entries! The winner will be announced on February 25th and emailed. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would love a new dress, I haven't bought a dress in years!

  2. So exciting! I love Shabby Apple Dresses and especially this one!! I'd love for you to stop by and enter my Cutting Edge Stencil Giveaway!


  3. Yay! Thanks! Hope to win!

  4. How fun! I love Shabby Apple!

  5. I'd love to win this because Shabby Apple dresses are so gorgeous, and I don't often get pretty clothes for myself, everything seems to be about the kids these day. :)

  6. I'd love to win because they have really amazing dresses! Love Shabby Apple! :-)

    GFC: gaby

    Email: gabjuk@hotmail.com

  7. Wow! I am really digging Shabby Apple. I have just fallen back in love with dresses,I have been a jeans girl for too long. I'd love to win this beautiful dress. thx
    Angie @ RockStarcottage/blogspot.com

  8. I love to win because this dress would certainly make me look sweet and lovely. And its suitable for my everywhere wear.

  9. i would love to win this dress and wear it during my 40th bday weekend to san francisco! :)

  10. what a lovely dress!.like it..

  11. I want to win because I LOVE this dress! Thanks!

  12. One of my fave's! I love Shabby Apple!

  13. I want a new dress SO bad! I love Shabby Apple!

  14. I want to win because I've been telling myself I'll wear more dresses this summer. It's super fun and cute!

  15. Hi There! Happy Monday! I can't remember the last time I even tried on a dress much less bought one. This mom of 4 REALLY needs a BEAUTIFUL dress like this! Have a GREAT day! };o)

  16. I would love to win this dress! I need a dress to take on our cruise!


  17. spero di aver tutto giusto :/
    fb silvia znr
    mail scarabocchiosil@gmail.com
    gfc silvia zenari
    twitter blucarota

  18. Are you kidding? Everyone wants to win one of these fabulous dresses...pick me!

  19. I'd love to win because I need some more polish in my wardrobe and I think cute little dresses like this one are perfect!

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!

  20. This dress is so beautiful, I need it!!! It'd be a gem in my wardrobe and I'd feel so feminine and gorgeous wearing it!

  21. I would like to win the dress because I don't have many girly things in my closet and sometimes I would like to wear something besides jeans once in a while.

  22. I'd love to win because I LOVE their dresses and swimwear and have been wanting to get my hands on their wares for ages.

  23. i'd love this dress for graduation!

  24. I'd love to win for the simples reason that this line of dresses are stinkin' adorable! I LOVE Shabby Apples dresses! Super cute.

    Thanks for the chance,
    Jamie Anderson
    msjamesteagall@yahoo dot com

  25. Very chic! I would love to show off this style.

  26. I have exactly 2 dresses and I'm trying to update my look

  27. want to win because my closet is so boring right now. I need something new

  28. Patricia Wojnar Crowley

    I'd love to win because my niece would look beautiful in this dress! It's not easy to find modest dresses these days for young women!

  29. I want to win because I am getting married in Sept and would love a fun dress for our honeymoon!!

    avalenti6936 at yahoo dot com

  30. I would love to win- I like Kurtz corner, shabby apple on facebook and like Kurtz corner on Facebook too!

  31. I love the detail on the skirt!

  32. AnonymousJuly 27, 2021

    I was a HIV-AIDS patient and I got it from cheating on my wife. It was sort of a payback but a week later I was told by a friend that the person who I cheated with had the HIV-AIDS virus and did not tell me. I was so stupid by not using a condom I thought since he was an old school friend he was trustworthy. But I was wrong. I cried and cried. Two days later, I got a phone call from my friend and he told me about a person who is known by another friend, who can help me. I could not let my wife know what I was going through. I finally got his email address: oseremenspelltemple@gmail.com and I emailed this man my story and he replied me immediately saying i should be calm and told me that everything will be OK. I could not come to terms with what I was hearing but then I concluded it did not matter because I was so broken I just needed help. I was going out of my mind literally. I was confused with what he was telling me, but I listened. He told me about some materials i need to buy that he needed to cast the spell and I said OK. I bought the materials to him, I sent down my picture to him and my positive result sheet and he replied me that i am going to be negative under 3days. I message Him every 2hours for 2day and I knew he thought that I was crazy but I did care I needed a shoulder. Behold, the third day he messaged me i should go for a test that i will be negative. My marriage could be broken because of a stupid mistake and my life was on the line. I remembered when I was going to get the results of my re-test I called him up again and told him that I was going to get my results today and his reply was “so" and that everything will be as he explained. I knew then that he was getting tired of me calling him, maybe I was wrong. Well I got my results and the first person I called was him - again. As he said hello I started to cry and cry. I could not believe it. I was given a second chance in life.This man is a great spiritual HIV/AIDS healer, his healing spell on aids healing is very powerful .please brothers and sister, contact Dr Ose oseremenspelltemple@gmail.com
    whatsapp +2348136482342


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