Dec 10, 2012

The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies...Ever

I have a really hard time choosing favorites. So, when I say these are the best chocolate chip cookies ever, that's really saying something! Seriously, I can't commit to picking favorites of anything, but if I had to pick one cookie to eat for the rest of my life, these would be my choice! These cookie are the perfect balance of chewy, soft, sweet and salty. I promise you will not be disappointed!

The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies...Ever
makes 24 medium sized cookies
1 1/2 c all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 c cooking oats
3/4 c semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/2 c brown sugar
1/2 c white sugar
1 egg, slightly beaten
3/4 c butter, melted
2 tbsp honey

Preheat oven to 300 F. Combine all dry ingredients in a large bowl. Add the slightly beaten egg, melted butter, and honey. Fold ingredients together with a rubber spatula or wooden spoon until well combined. Place medium sized balls of dough on a baking sheet. I recommend using a Silpat to keep the cookies from burning. I also feel that the cookies bake better when using a Silpat. Bake for about 10 to 12 minutes. Remove from oven and lift Silpat with the cookies still on it on to a cooling rack.

This recipe was passed down from a friend and has been slightly modified from the original.


  1. Hi, Audra

    This looks yummy! Have to try this one out too! : )

    1. Yes! If you ever try any of my recipes, make sure this is one you make! OMG drool, they are so amazing!

    2. Please make me some when I come to visit....Mom

    3. I can definitely do that, mom. :)

  2. Yum! These look so good and I love that you tied twine around them. So cute!
    Your new follower,

  3. Ok, these cookies look sooo yummy!

    I'd love for you to share them at my Show & Tell party this week.

  4. Those cookies look so delicous & I love the cute way they are wrapped!

  5. Wow they really do look delicious! I wish I was good at baking but I'm not I need to practice more xxx

  6. I've been looking for a recipe for ages! I can't stand brittle cookies, so these will be amazing :) thank you!

  7. Yum! Your pictures are alway so good! I can't wait to try these.

  8. AnonymousJuly 27, 2021

    I was a HIV-AIDS patient and I got it from cheating on my wife. It was sort of a payback but a week later I was told by a friend that the person who I cheated with had the HIV-AIDS virus and did not tell me. I was so stupid by not using a condom I thought since he was an old school friend he was trustworthy. But I was wrong. I cried and cried. Two days later, I got a phone call from my friend and he told me about a person who is known by another friend, who can help me. I could not let my wife know what I was going through. I finally got his email address: and I emailed this man my story and he replied me immediately saying i should be calm and told me that everything will be OK. I could not come to terms with what I was hearing but then I concluded it did not matter because I was so broken I just needed help. I was going out of my mind literally. I was confused with what he was telling me, but I listened. He told me about some materials i need to buy that he needed to cast the spell and I said OK. I bought the materials to him, I sent down my picture to him and my positive result sheet and he replied me that i am going to be negative under 3days. I message Him every 2hours for 2day and I knew he thought that I was crazy but I did care I needed a shoulder. Behold, the third day he messaged me i should go for a test that i will be negative. My marriage could be broken because of a stupid mistake and my life was on the line. I remembered when I was going to get the results of my re-test I called him up again and told him that I was going to get my results today and his reply was “so" and that everything will be as he explained. I knew then that he was getting tired of me calling him, maybe I was wrong. Well I got my results and the first person I called was him - again. As he said hello I started to cry and cry. I could not believe it. I was given a second chance in life.This man is a great spiritual HIV/AIDS healer, his healing spell on aids healing is very powerful .please brothers and sister, contact Dr Ose
    whatsapp +2348136482342


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