Aug 31, 2011

Right Around the Corner

Okay, tomorrow is the 1st of September & I just couldn't wait any longer for this post!! Fall is right around the least I sure hope it is! This 100+ degree heat is killing us here in Texas

By far my favorite time of the year is Fall & Winter
I love Fall's cool crisp air, boots & sweaters, football tailgates, pumpkin carving, Halloween & Thanksgiving!

While meandering through Pinterest, as I often do, I have come across some AWESOME ideas for the fall season. Recipes, crafts & decorations, you name it, it's all there on Pinterest! You are no longer allowed to use the excuses of not being creative or crafty when you have such wonderful ideas waiting at you fingertips! Get to crafting people!

Today, I am going to share with you some SUPER cute pumpkin ideas! This is not your ordinary pumpkin carving ladies and gentlemen, so lets step out of the box & get creative! These are just a few of my favorite pumpkin decorating ideas, in no particular order.

{1} Pumpkins in a stocking, who knew? Chic & simple find it HERE
{2} I love this nail-head idea! Find it HERE 
{3} Paint your pumpkin using a doily! Find it HERE
{1} Okay, candy corn pumpkins? Too stinkin' cute! Find it HERE
{2} Bling out your pumpkin with a rhinestone spider web. Find it HERE
{3} Fabric monogrammed pumpkins, cute! Find it HERE
{1} Polka dot "Trick or Treat" pumpkins. Find it HERE 
{2} I'm not sure if that's zebra or wood-grain but I like it! Find it HERE
{3} These remind me of a scrapbook! Find it HERE

Well there you go, nine awesome ideas for your pumpkin decorating fun this year! Check back soon for some delicious Fall inspired recipes!

Linking up HERE


  1. Those pumpkins are gorgeous!! Fall is my favorite of all. :o)


  2. I cannnnnnnnn't wait for fall!! Love those pumpkins...I am already planning what I'm gonna do w/ mine. I <3 fall.

  3. Hi Audra, you asked if I would add you to my Linky List, but I am having trouble with that list. I added your button to the bottom of my page & will be adding in others by day of week. I will do that as soon as I have a bit of spare time. Your button is already there, however. Your blog looks interesting, & I'm now a new follower. I hope you might follow me back.
    :) CAS


    I love all of those cute pumpkins!!! So many great ideas! omg I am so excited now. :)

    Ryan @ Thismustbetheplaceryan

  5. Wow those are some unique and amazing looking pumpkins!
    This morning I was passed on the Versatile blogger award and have to pass it on to 15 others and thought you you. Congratulations! You can find all of the info and the badge at:
    Happy Blogging,

  6. Cute pumpkins... I love Pinterest for great inspiration too. Thanks for linking Flaunt it Friday! :)

  7. I need to pin all these ideas! Darling! Now if the weather would just PLEASE get under 100 degrees maybe I could get in to the fall spirit!!

  8. I did a couple of these ideas last year (the stocking and rhinestones). They ended up looking amazing!!

    Coley @

  9. I just wanted to let you know I will be spotlighting you tomorrow. Stop by and grab a button!

  10. Love the list of super cute pumpkins! I need to get started...might even get some fake ones so I can reuse them each year. Need to save up some Hobby Lobby coupons! :)

  11. I love this time of year! These pumpkins are so cute and I cant wait to try some of these ideas! I made a couple a few weeks ago... but not this cute!

  12. Super cute ideas! I love the one where they used a doily as a stencil. So cool!! I am a new follower:)

  13. AnonymousJuly 27, 2021

    I was a HIV-AIDS patient and I got it from cheating on my wife. It was sort of a payback but a week later I was told by a friend that the person who I cheated with had the HIV-AIDS virus and did not tell me. I was so stupid by not using a condom I thought since he was an old school friend he was trustworthy. But I was wrong. I cried and cried. Two days later, I got a phone call from my friend and he told me about a person who is known by another friend, who can help me. I could not let my wife know what I was going through. I finally got his email address: and I emailed this man my story and he replied me immediately saying i should be calm and told me that everything will be OK. I could not come to terms with what I was hearing but then I concluded it did not matter because I was so broken I just needed help. I was going out of my mind literally. I was confused with what he was telling me, but I listened. He told me about some materials i need to buy that he needed to cast the spell and I said OK. I bought the materials to him, I sent down my picture to him and my positive result sheet and he replied me that i am going to be negative under 3days. I message Him every 2hours for 2day and I knew he thought that I was crazy but I did care I needed a shoulder. Behold, the third day he messaged me i should go for a test that i will be negative. My marriage could be broken because of a stupid mistake and my life was on the line. I remembered when I was going to get the results of my re-test I called him up again and told him that I was going to get my results today and his reply was “so" and that everything will be as he explained. I knew then that he was getting tired of me calling him, maybe I was wrong. Well I got my results and the first person I called was him - again. As he said hello I started to cry and cry. I could not believe it. I was given a second chance in life.This man is a great spiritual HIV/AIDS healer, his healing spell on aids healing is very powerful .please brothers and sister, contact Dr Ose
    whatsapp +2348136482342


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