Jan 12, 2012

Cupcake Cakeballs - Brace Yourself For Cuteness

I am finally back! Two weeks without internet after moving into our first home has been a killer...I have been dying to blog and do something, ANYTHING, that requires creativity!

This week I made the CUTEST little cakeballs! Don't mind if I brag but, how I can stand their cuteness I just don't know! I was literally squealing while making them. And beside being so dang cute you could faint they are sooo easy to make!

I originally got this idea from Pinterest HERE but decided to put my own spin on it. While The Pioneer Woman made her "cupcake liners" from chocolate molds I made mine from Reese's Peanut Butter Cups!  This recipe with yield 60+ mini cupcake cakeballs

For this recipe you will need:
1. Box cake mix of your choice
2. One 16 oz tub of icing - flavor of your choice
2. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups - white or milk chocolate
3. White or milk chocolate chips depending on the "wrapper" color you choose
4. Decorative sprinkles and red hots
5. White melting chocolates

Making The Cakeballs
  • To begin, make your cakeballs. If you've never made a cakeball they are super simple...and addictive, watch out!
  • Bake the cake accordingly to the box directions.
  • Once the cake is cooked and has cooled for a few minutes start crumbling the cake into a large mixing bowl. It's okay if it is still warm just not piping hot out of the oven! Use your hands, don't be afraid to get those hands dirty!
  • Next, add in your tub of frosting. I added the whole 16 oz...you may choose to add less but mine were a hit with the whole tub! Mix in the frosting with a wooden spoon or spatula until well blended.
  • Place a sheet of wax paper on a baking sheet and begin to roll your mix into small balls to use as the "cupcake" top. I used a 1/4 tablespoon to keep them a consistent size.
  • Place your cake balls on the wax paper and place them in the fridge to set up.
 Cupcake Bottoms
  • The bottoms of the "cupcakes" are simply Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. You can use white or milk chocolate. Depending on which you choose will determine the chocolate chips you buy. The chocolate chips will be melted and used as a "glue" to adhere the cakeball to the Reese's cup.
  • While your cakeballs are setting up in the fridge unwrap your Reese's cups and place them on a wax paper lined baking sheet.
  Creating The "Cupcake"
  • First melt your chocolate chips in the microwave in 30 second intervals until they are melted, stirring between each 30 seconds. Make sure you are using the color of chocolate chip that matches the color of Reese's cup that you are using.
  • When your chips are melted removed your cakeballs and being placing tiny dabs of melted chocolate chips on to the Reese's cup.
  • Smush your cakeball onto the Reese's cup. Just pressed hard enough to form it to the Reese's cup so it looks more like a cupcake.
  • When you have finished all of your "cupcakes" place them back into the fridge and let the chocolate "glue" set up.
Adding The Good Stuff
  • Once your "cupcakes" have set up in the fridge you may now start adding the "frosting"
  • In a small bowl melt your white melting chocolate...I used just regular white chocolate chips. Again, in 30 second intervals stirring until it is smooth.
  • Take your "cupcake" by the Reese's bottom and dunk it into the melted chips. Try to get as close to the Reese's wrapper without touching it.
  • Let the excess "frosting" drip off otherwise you will have a landslide of "frosting" dripping down your "cupcake".
  • Place your "cupcake" back on the baking sheet and immediately add your "cherry", aka the red hots, and your sprinkles. If you wait the "frosting" will harden and you won't be able to add them.

You are now done! It's a little time consuming when you are making 60+ of these little guys, but so much fun! Think of all the possibilities! You can add food coloring to the "frosting" and customize them as much as you please! You don't have to refrigerate them unless you are keeping them for an extended period of time.

My little army of Cupcake Cakeballs! Enjoy!

Linking up HERE 


  1. These are adorable!!! Love them!

  2. These are super cute. I love the idea of putting the cake balls onto Reese's.. yummmm!

  3. Those are so adorable!!!!!

  4. Oh YUM! So cute, and they look so delicious(and I am so hungry right now to begin with!)

  5. These were the perfect amount of flavor popped in my mouth!

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Oh my Gosh those are so cute!

  7. Ahhhh so cute! I <3 Cupcakes!!

    For Love of Cupcakes

  8. Those are too cute! And they look very nummy. :P

  9. They really so cute and looks really delicious - going to have to try these some time, maybe as a treat for when my twin nephews come to visit

  10. You're right, these are absolutely adorable. And delicious!!! Pinned this so we can make these later. Thanks!

  11. OMG these are just so yummie. You are a real artist in cupcake baking :)

  12. OK, I already pilfered your wonderful recipe! These will be so darn cute for christmas or a birthday party. Maybe I'll make them for Easter!!
    Jen from JustAddWaterSilly.com, hopping from Craftastic Mondays
    (happily your newest follower!)

  13. OK, I already pilfered your wonderful recipe! These will be so darn cute for christmas or a birthday party. Maybe I'll make them for Easter!!
    Jen from JustAddWaterSilly.com, hopping from Craftastic Mondays
    (happily your newest follower!)

  14. So excited to try these!! They are so cute and look delicious! Thank you for linking up to "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." We hope you come back to share more great ideas next Saturday. -The Sisters

  15. Audra these are so cute and look delicious. Thanks for sharing. I am featuring these this week at Lines Across.


  16. You were featured!



  17. OMG I love these and want to make them!!!


  18. AnonymousJuly 27, 2021

    I was a HIV-AIDS patient and I got it from cheating on my wife. It was sort of a payback but a week later I was told by a friend that the person who I cheated with had the HIV-AIDS virus and did not tell me. I was so stupid by not using a condom I thought since he was an old school friend he was trustworthy. But I was wrong. I cried and cried. Two days later, I got a phone call from my friend and he told me about a person who is known by another friend, who can help me. I could not let my wife know what I was going through. I finally got his email address: oseremenspelltemple@gmail.com and I emailed this man my story and he replied me immediately saying i should be calm and told me that everything will be OK. I could not come to terms with what I was hearing but then I concluded it did not matter because I was so broken I just needed help. I was going out of my mind literally. I was confused with what he was telling me, but I listened. He told me about some materials i need to buy that he needed to cast the spell and I said OK. I bought the materials to him, I sent down my picture to him and my positive result sheet and he replied me that i am going to be negative under 3days. I message Him every 2hours for 2day and I knew he thought that I was crazy but I did care I needed a shoulder. Behold, the third day he messaged me i should go for a test that i will be negative. My marriage could be broken because of a stupid mistake and my life was on the line. I remembered when I was going to get the results of my re-test I called him up again and told him that I was going to get my results today and his reply was “so" and that everything will be as he explained. I knew then that he was getting tired of me calling him, maybe I was wrong. Well I got my results and the first person I called was him - again. As he said hello I started to cry and cry. I could not believe it. I was given a second chance in life.This man is a great spiritual HIV/AIDS healer, his healing spell on aids healing is very powerful .please brothers and sister, contact Dr Ose oseremenspelltemple@gmail.com
    whatsapp +2348136482342


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